Mexico City.- Adalberto Fructuoso Comparan Rodríguez, alias “El Fruto” former mayor of Aguililla, municipality located in the “Tierra Caliente” (hot land) region of Michoacan was captured in Guatemala and then extradited to the United States.
Adalberto Fructuoso Comparán Rodríguez, former mayor of Aguililla by the Democratic Revolutionary Party, Michoacán (to the central western Mexico), was extradited to the United States for his alleged participation in a drug trafficking network. This Monday he also appeared before a Miami court, in Florida, the US Department of Justice reported.
Comparán Rodríguez who, according to the accusations, is considered leader of the United Cartels in Michoacán, appeared in a federal court, after his extradition of Guatemala, accused of the crime of drug trafficking, specifically more than one thousand 100 pounds (499 kilos) of “Crystal”, a high consumption methamphetamine.
To make methamphetamine undetectable, as recorded in the 2021 court documents, the members of the aforementioned organization hid it within different materials, such as cement tiles or in a sending of 300 kilos to Miami dissolved in housing paint cubes.
According to the accusation, Rodríguez and two chemicals “worked for days inside a warehouse by extracting pure methamphetamine glass from paint”, but the agents of the order “seized methamphetamine before it went out.”