Mexico City, July 10 (However).– There are four presidential candidates. They all belong to the parties that make up the Va por México opposition alliance: PAN, PRI and PRD. And all four are accused of corruption that are being investigated by federal authorities. They are Ricardo Anaya, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas and Silvano Aureoles Conejo.
Anaya and Cabeza have been uncovered by the leader of the National Action Party (PAN) Marko Cortés. Regarding the first, he has repeatedly said that he is “politically persecuted”, referring to the investigation carried out by the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) for his possible link to the Odebrecht case. Regarding the second, which is one of his “strong profiles”, despite the fact that the Governor of Tamaulipas faces an arrest warrant for organized crime and operations with resources of illicit origin.
On the part of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Moreno Cárdenas, its current leader, uncovered himself last December for the 2024 presidential contest, a situation that has earned him questions within the tricolor, although this represents, by far, the least of the problems of the PRI leader, who is also being investigated by the FGR and by the Campeche Prosecutor’s Office for alleged illicit enrichment, which has led him to also call himself politically persecuted and leave the country to undertake an international tour to denounce this
In the case of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), its national president, Jesús Zambrano Grijalva, has said at different times that Sol Azteca also has candidates for the presidential election and, above all, has emphasized the possibility of the former governor of Michoacán Silvano Aureoles Conejo, who, in addition to facing accusations from the current state administration, headed by the Morenist Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, for alleged irregularities, is the subject of an investigation for an alleged network of corruption that he wove since he was a federal deputy and then Governor to divert public resources through front companies and money launderers, as revealed by SinEmbargo.