Joaquín López-Dóriga denounced this Tuesday the threats of the PRI national leader Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, after new audios were released in which “Alito” claims to have made alleged payments to several journalists whom he called “my brothers” and to have made threats against the journalist.
“The wretch of @alitoMoreno with the language that portrays him says that ‘with two embarrassments to @lopezdoriga (in Process, he assures) the chaos is over,” López-Dóriga said on his Twitter account.
The journalist also described the former governor of Campeche as a “coward.”
López-Dóriga published on his Twitter account some of the messages that, for months – he affirms – “he has sent me and I have ignored.”
El miserable de @alitomorenoc con el lenguaje que lo retratas dice que ‘con dos vergazos a @lopezdoriga (en Proceso, asegura) se acaba el desmadre’. Aquí denuncio sus amenazas y lo responsabilizo Además es un cobarde. Adjunto los mensajes que por meses me ha mandado y he ignorado pic.twitter.com/TsDbN8BCzc
— Joaquín López-Dóriga (@lopezdoriga) July 20, 2022