In a new audio of Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, national leader of the PRI, we hear him talking about paying journalists such as Ciro Gómez Leyva, Joaquín López-Dóriga and directors of newspapers such as Tribuna to spread positive information about him, in addition to referring disparagingly to the women.
This audio was released by the Governor of Campeche, Layda Sansores San Román in her program “Tuesday of the Jaguar”,
In the “disgusting” audio, as the Morenoist Governor described it hours before, “Alito” assured that he had ordered reporters and media directors such as Tribuna, Crónica and Telemar, as well as figures such as Joaquín López-Dóriga, Ciro Gómez Leyva and owners of the weekly Proceso, to speak positively of him.
He has no respect for anyone, that is how he expresses himself even with his brothers.
Everything he says about journalists is baseness, confirming his phrase “you don’t have to shoot them to death, you have to starve them”. pic.twitter.com/fdyXSXUAAx
– Layda Sansores (@LaydaSansores) July 20, 2022
In addition, he insinuated that if he were the owner of a newspaper, he would have published a note on the front page in which he spoke of the mother of the person who offended him, along with the phrase “she is a whore” (sic).
Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas announced that a court in Nuevo León had granted him the substantive suspension of an amparo proceeding filed to stop the disclosure of the audios in the “Martes del Jaguar” program, for which the Governor of Campeche, Layda Sansores San Roman, would be unable to broadcast these recordings.