Mexico City.- Governor of Michoacán, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, requested that former President Felipe Calderón should be investigated and testify before the New York Court along with former Secretary of Public Security (SSP) Genaro García Luna.
“Either Felipe Calderón was under the orders of García Luna, or García Luna was under the orders of Felipe Calderón, that’s what is in doubt, who was under orders from whom,” he said.
At a press conference, the state governor said that former President Felipe Calderón should answer for the “bad strategy” with which he allegedly attempted to put the state in the hands of a single organized crime group.
Part of the strategy, Bedolla accused, was to pressure then-Governor of the state Leonel Godoy Rangel to have the security of the state in the hands of the Federation.
The Governor remembered the call “Michoacanazo”, when the Army and elements of the extinct Federal Preventive Police, on the orders of former President Felipe Calderón, arrested more than 30 state officials.